[CentOS] Licences

Wed Dec 7 16:38:36 UTC 2005
Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>

Am Mi, den 07.12.2005 schrieb Ugo Bellavance um 17:25:

> 	I'm looking for a way to determine the licenses of packages we're using.
> 	Is there a command (rpm, yum, up2date...) that will take the package 
> name as argument and return me the licence?
> 	Or is everything included with Centos 4 GPL?  That is the only licence 
> I found in the repositories...  I remember that RH had the habit of 
> putting all the applicable licences on the distros' CD.

rpm -q --qf '%{LICENSE}' <packagename>

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} is licensed under %{LICENSE}\n' | sort


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp 
Serendipity 17:36:24 up 2 days, 22:13, load average: 0.19, 0.14, 0.10 
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