[CentOS] Re: SMB server with CentOS 4

Wed Dec 7 20:04:48 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net> wrote:
> He means when you add a network printer, you don't need to
> carry the driver cd/disk with you to each Windows PC.

It's more than just that.

Even if I load the Adobe Postscript driver** and the vendor
PPD (possibly after I've modified the settings to the correct
for the printer config), the user could change things
(depending on access).  They also don't get any new
modifications I make at the CUPS server.

**NOTE:  On a corporate network, this is a good practice, so
you're not going around and installing all sorts of vendor
printer drivers, which can conflict.  Of course, it means you
have to have Postscript printers *OR* CUPS emulating
Postscript.  The Samba-CUPS with CUPS Windows driver at the
client is easist and best, once you set it up on the server.

> Just browse for the printer and the Windows OS on the PC
> automatically download the driver files and settings and
> you are done.

And best of all, you only have to do this *1* time from CUPS,
and then run *1* Samba command to update anytime you make
changes (that affect the PPDs).

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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