[CentOS] mailing list traffic

Wed Dec 7 23:54:43 UTC 2005
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Chris Mauritz wrote:
> Preston Crawford wrote:
>>> Preston Crawford <me at prestoncrawford.com> wrote:
>>>> The list isn't "technically" going wacko. There have just
>>>> been some long threads lately, highlighted by drawn-out,
>>>> often pedantic arguments. And some people like to hear
>>> their
>>>> own voice.
>>>> Over and over and over and over and over and over again.
>>> Interesting you'd say that Preston, because you usually say
>>> I'm the "common denominator," yet I waited to respond to
>>> several.
>> I didn't say it was you. Although, my inbox is filled with about 50%
>> responses from you, so maybe you're onto something there.
> [snip]
> I knew something was up when I looked in my trashbin and it had over 
> 20-30 messages to the list *just from Bryan* today.    Where do people 
> find the time???   8-)

What do you hope to achieve with personal comments such as this ? 
Whatever it is - i dont think we all want that. This is not a social 
hangout list.

Guys, Lets keep it sane.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq