[CentOS] Re: Horde domxml dependency problem

Thu Dec 22 15:10:23 UTC 2005
Josh Kelley <joshkel at gmail.com>

On 12/21/05, Greg Swallow - SkyNet <gregswallow at skynetonline.ca> wrote:
> Maybe the best option for Centos is to create a php-pearplus (or whatever
> name) rpm that duplicates the standard php-pear, but also updates and adds
> any extra modules for Horde (and is set to conflict with php-pear so both
> can't be installed together).  You could have one for php4 and one for php5
> that way too.

This would leave you without a clean upgrade path when CentOS 5 (or
whatever) comes out with a new-and-improved php-pear that couldn't
upgrade the Centosplus php-pearplus.

The upstream provider is aware of the various problems with php-pear -
see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=173270 and
the many bugs linked to from that.  It looks like you could steal the
php-pear from Fedora Test, since many of the fixes appear to already
be in it; then you'd be more likely to get a clean upgrade.

Josh Kelley