[CentOS] Php package for Microsoft-SQL -- integrated layer 2 + layer 3 name services

Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith@ieee.org> thebs413 at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 13 19:10:21 UTC 2005

From: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>
> Does anything exist that has that 'basic logic'?   The legacy forms
> work and scale worldwide because the authority to use names is
> carefully delegated.  If two self-issued names are broadcast on
> the same network, who wins?  What if they are on different subnets
> and can't see each other but you try to integrate them with such
> a tool?  What if they normally live on different networks but are
> mobile and eventually collide?   I'd really prefer not to let anyone's
> laptop claim to be the company email server and get away with it.

Which is why you need a _centralized_ layer 2 + layer 3 server to
prevent this.  If it is the centralized DNS and WINS, then all Windows
and UNIX nodes trust it first and foremost, even if a rogue NetBIOS
node is braodcasting.

The logic of the server would not only not proxy such a node, but it
would quickly report its MAC address as a "problem."

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org

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