[CentOS] New Standard/Daylight time-change dates in rhel4u2 but not centos4.2?

Aleksandar Milivojevic

alex at milivojevic.org
Mon Nov 7 19:32:49 UTC 2005

Quoting Robert <kerplop at sbcglobal.net>:

> Works fine in the US Central time zone:

Maybe his CentOS machine is setup to use *Canadian* time zone file (in 
his case,
it was Eastern).  As a quick test, I'd suggest doing:

$ diff /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern
$ diff /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern

(or "Central", if local time zone is standard central time).

If he's on Canadian time, just copy the appropriate file from US subdirectory
over /etc/localtime to get back to US time.  Those darn politicians, there
should be a law to put into jail for life any politician who even thinks about
proposing any artificial time changes, with addition that they should write on
the wall a hundred time each day "street lights will be on same amount of time
no matter when or by how much the clock is moved"...

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