[CentOS] Re:CentOS 3.6 is released.

Thu Nov 3 23:27:33 UTC 2005
John Hinton <webmaster at ew3d.com>

Lance Davis wrote:

>The CentOS development team are please to announce the release of CentOS
>3.6 for all supported architectures.
>It is available on all mirrors and via bitorrent.
>This release corresponds to the upstream vendor U6 release together with
>updates through October 11th (depending on architecture).
>Please download and test, or set your yum.conf to point to 3.6 rather
>than $releasever (eg http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.6/..) to test
>updating and add any problems to bugs.centos.org
>3.5 will be removed from the mirrors and 3.6 will become the default in
>48 hours if no problems are reported.
I keep expecting to see some major updates when running yum. I don't see 
any bug reports. Are you guys just managing your bandwidth or something? 
Not that I'm in any big rush or anything.

John Hinton