[CentOS] segmentation fault

Tom Brown

tom.brown at goodtechnology.com
Thu Oct 6 10:26:06 UTC 2005

> running Centos 4.1 i386 on a poweredge 1800, will be trying x86_64 
> tomorrow since apparently the processors are EM64.   anyhow, I'm having 
> issues with this unit producing segmentation faults on practically 
> everything.   this is not an issue just with Centos 4.x, but also RHEL 
> 3.  so I resorted to RH9, but had other issues with hardware drivers.
> Today, I installed OS and everything went smoothly, to a point.  this 
> server will ultimately be used for a point of sale application called 
> counterpoint.

we once had a box that did just that - everything segfaulted - Turned 
out to be bad CPU

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