[CentOS] kernel sourcecode ?

Karanbir Singh

mail-lists at karan.org
Wed Oct 19 15:43:25 UTC 2005

Mário Gamito wrote:
> Until 4.1, there was a kernel-sourcecode-2.6.9 RPM.
> Now in there isn't.
> So, again, where is the kernel's sourcecode ?

The kernel-sourcecode pkg is deprecated upstream and dropped down the 
line, there will be no kernel-sourcecode pkg in CentOS4 anymore.

Refer back to my previous answer for how to do the job the 'right way', 
there is more info in the upstream provided Release Notes hosted at ( 
including an elaborate explaination on how to get the source tree from a 
src.rpm ) :

here is a tiny bit from that doc' that explains the situation:

" In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a separate 
package for the kernel source code when that source code already exists 
in the kernel's .src.rpm file, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 no longer 
includes the kernel-source package. Users that require access to the 
kernel sources can find them in the kernel .src.rpm file."

- K
Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq

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