[CentOS] Johnny's postfix/dovecot/squirrelmail/virus scanning + Centos4 Walk Through...

Cesar Lagarrigue

clagarrigue at bee.cl
Wed Aug 16 14:17:00 UTC 2006

This website say "hacked..."

Please i seafch a lot for a guide with these products... if anyone have 
the guide, please put the url or something like...

Thanks a lot.

Cesar L.

Chris Mauritz wrote:
> dnk wrote:
>> Chris Lauritz wrote:
>>> Is anyone mirroring Johnny's write up on this?
>>> As fate would have it, I've finally got some time to sit down and 
>>> configure a spare box to be my new mail server and Johnny's site has 
>>> been defaced again.  :-(  Sigh....I even checked to make sure it was 
>>> up this morning, drove to the office so I could do everything from 
>>> the terminal and my handy dandy roadmap is gone....
>>> Any pointers to another source would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Best regards,
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>> I was able to get to it:
>> http://www.hughesjr.com/content/view/26/38/
> Yep, it's all better now.  Just got email from Johnny saying he'd 
> fixed it.
> Cheers,
> Chris
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