[CentOS] Kind of OT: internal imap server

Fri Aug 25 06:59:37 UTC 2006
Andy Green <andy at warmcat.com>

Les Mikesell wrote:

>> You can diss all other mtas + their addons all you like Les, but 
>> sendmail X is following the design principles of qmail and postfix which 
>> says something.
> The only one I'll really diss is qmail, and I'll concede that
> qpsmtpd will solve a few of it's problems as the project slowly
> re-invents the things that MimeDefang has been doing for years.
> My point is just that sendmail does a good job and has some
> unique advantages when used with MimeDefang.

I guess it comes down to this: if you are handling a ton of mail and 
mail is a big part of what you do, the rules are different.  You can 
consider to look past the investment needed to get sendmail and qmail[1] 
to perform.

If you are handling relatively low volumes of mail, say the low tens of 
thousands a day, and "mail guy" is not a shout you respond to, then I 
strongly recommend not becoming a white-coated acolyte to these and to 
make the smaller brain-investment needed to get Postfix working great.


[1] qmail's license used to be source distribution only, because that 
locked out anyone unable to compile it and its dependent packages and 
"killed the weak".  Mail isn't that hard!  Mortals can get Postfix going!
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