[CentOS] gnucash for Centos 4.1

Wed Feb 22 16:39:54 UTC 2006
BRUCE STANLEY <bruce.stanley at prodigy.net>

Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com> wrote:  Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 07:37 -0800, BRUCE STANLEY wrote:
>>         Which brings up another questioin,
>>         Why in gnucash included in Fedroa 2,3, and 4,  but not in
>>         Centos and REHL 3 & 4   ?
> ---
> Obviously 'upstream' provider doesn't think that gnucash is an
> 'Enterprise' worthy package.

Indeed.  It seems pretty clear when you visit the CentOS website that 
this is a *server*-centric distribution.  It is based on the 
*server*-centric Redhat Enterprise Linux product.  So I always get a 
little confused when folks jump up and down about desktop apps and other 
bits that are meant for desktop usage.  If someone wants to run a 
desktop distro, there are plenty of those available.  Personally, I 
prefer the lean and mean server distro approach.


  But this is why you have the install options of desktop, workstatioin,
  or server configurations.   The RPMs provided should allow you to
  chose what option is needed for your installation.  The example of 
  gnucash may not be needed on a server but could well be needed
  on a desktop or workstation configuration.
  The need for GTK-1 explains why gnucash may be excluded at this time.
  I still don't understand then why they include it in FC 2,3, & 4.

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