[CentOS] rsync help

Fri Jul 28 16:48:28 UTC 2006
Mark Schoonover <schoon at amgt.com>

Melinda Odom wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using rsync to backup from my server to a backup server that has
> been setup.
> I can back up a directory with numerous files and folders and restore
> them but I have not learned how to "exclude" a specific folder from
> the rsync backup that runs via cron nightly.
> I have tried these:
> rsync -av -cache/ -e ssh /home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/
> name at backup13.gnax.net:/fooname/domain
> rsync -avr - cache/ -e ssh /home/httpd/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/
> name at backup13.gnax.net:/fooname/domain
> I need to exclude these folders on every domain that is backed up:
> cache/
> download/
> pub/
> I have also read the man pages but am not understanding.
> How would I accomplish this?
> Thank you!


	If you have more than one directory that needs to be excluded, it's
best to use the --excluded-from=<filename>, one of my exclude files


	I use rsync for very large systems, 2TB+ for backups, running
hourly, daily and weekly backups. Works very nice.

