[CentOS] Karanbir CentOS REPO - Breakability?

Fri Mar 10 11:43:48 UTC 2006
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> One thing I want to make clear here [this is for the list and not just
> Phil :)] is that I would not run a "yum update" with any 3rd party repo
> enabled ... ever.
> Dag does a great job with his repo (I use parts of it on almost every
> single machine I install), as does Karanbir, Dries and Axel.
> However ...  every single one of these repos (or any other 3rd party
> repo, for that matter) has the potential to break your install.

I have stated many times that for production usage I would not recommend 
to enable my repo by default and automatically install updates. Even 
though everything runs fine and has been tested by yourself at one point 
in time, updates might break. And if your business relies on this, I 
wouldn't want to be responsible for any breakage.

Even when we would do extensive testing, it is hard (read: impossible) to 
test every combination of features of every given program or combinations 
of programs. Things change and every change is a liability. That's the 
difference between eg. a RHEL4 rsync (which is never updated, only fixed) 
and an RPMforge rsync (always the latest).

If you require stability and newer features in RPMforge packages a 
combination of pinning RPMforge packages and a default policy of not 
overriding official packages is extremely recommended.
(See Johnny's mail for the details on how to achieve this)

And if this isn't a FAQ yet, we should make one to point to it :)

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]