[CentOS] Re: Timeout when downloading messages

Thu Mar 30 06:07:55 UTC 2006
spart cus <linux_spartacus at yahoo.com>

Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com> wrote: spart cus spake the following on 3/28/2006 6:38 PM:
> Hi To All Gurus,
> Im encountering some problems on my mailserver. When my clients are
> downloading their emails, when they reach around 15 mails downloaded
> somehow the connection stops. Im using Centos4.2, Postfix and Dovecot.
> Any one experiece these ?
Try and increase the timeouts for the clients.
Are you using Outlook on the clients?
There are some workarounds for outlook in Dovecot.
Yes some of my clients uses outlook.
 When i check rpm -qa|grep dovecot, it says dovecot-0.99.11-2.EL4.1, 
so it means it uses .99 version.But when i check the dovecot.conf , at 
 the beginning of the file

 ## Dovecot 1.0 configuration file

 with this on the file

 # outlook-pop3-no-nuls
#client_workarounds =
client_workarounds = outlook-pop3-no-nuls
should i use this one ? and what does this config actually do so that i could
explain to them the erros.

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