[CentOS] Kernel errors, resulting in system crashes

Tue May 23 12:02:08 UTC 2006
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

hey Henri,

Henri Cook wrote:
> I run a webserver (remotely administered, no graphical user interface that
> i know of - certainly not one running all the time) - in the past few days
> this error has started to occur, the system dies and needs manually
> rebooting after each occurence:

you forgot to mention what kernel you are running and when was the last
time you yum updated the machine ? are you also running some sort of web
control panel that might ( bad idea ) be suppressing packages from being
updated ?

while the machine is running - check lsmod, to see if any strange
modules are being loaded ?

> The machine runs CentOS 3 and has been for ~2 Years, a technician at the
> datacentre ran Memtest earlier today which returned no errors.

normally you would run memtest for a while ( overnight 12 - 16 hr cycles
work best ) before you have a real result.

- KB

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq