[CentOS] Re: Java JDK on CentOS 4.4

Fri Nov 17 18:05:27 UTC 2006
Karl R. Balsmeier <karl at klxsystems.net>

yeah, it's actually a no brainer, the file you are looking for is simply 
a .bin file with a really long name (from Sun's web unique download URL) 
but I always just rename it to java15.bin or java1564.bin and just 
./java15.bin and you agree to the license and it does the rest.

I will try to dig up the URL from Sun, i'd post my package but would 
rather you trust Sun instead of me as i'm sure they'd appreciate.


Edward Diener wrote:

> Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
>> we have been using the 64-bit and 32-bit java 1.4 and 1.5 .bin 
>> installers on Centos 4.3, 4.4 with very much success, so if you are 
>> looking to get the Java capabilities you might not need to search for 
>> an RPM per se.
>> We keep a very bare machine (no centos java package, etc.) and have a 
>> whole step-by-step recipe for getting all the usual java webapps 
>> working with very little hassle...
> Is there any particular procedure for installing the Java 1,5 on Sun's 
> site to CentOS 4.4 ? I see a Jpackage package called 
> Java-1.5.0-sun-compat but I have no idea what this is or how it is 
> supposed to be used.
> Setting up Sun's Java latest 1.5.0 JDK on "that other OS whose name 
> shall not be mentioned" is a no-brainer so it is a bit disappointing 
> that it is more complicated on CentOS 4.4. But maybe it is really as 
> easy as downloading the appropriate file from Sun's site and 
> installing it and I am overestimating any other issues.
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