[CentOS] digikamimageplugins from Karan's repo

Wed Nov 22 20:31:34 UTC 2006
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Quoting Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>:

> Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just installed digikam and digikamimageplugins from Karan's   
>> repo. The digikam package works nicely, however if I try to use any  
>>  of the plugins from digikamimageplugins, digikam crashes   
>> complaining about unresolvable symbols, for example:
>> digikam: symbol lookup error:   
>> /usr/lib64/kde3/digikamimageplugin_adjustlevels.so: undefined   
>> symbol: _ZN7Digikam16ImageGuideWidgetC1EiiP7QWidgetbi
>> I've noticed that there's discrepancy in versions between digicam   
>> and digicamimageplugins (0.8.1 vs. 0.7.4) which I beleive is where   
>> the problem might be.  Is there digicamimageplugins-0.8.1 RPM for   
>> CentOS?  If not, I could probably easilly rebuild my own.  Just   
>> wondering if somebody already did it.
> I will be back around the buildsystems later today, will take a look
> and fix/rebuild as required.

Hi Karan,

I've downloaded the 0.7.4 SRPM and 0.8.1 tarball, tweaked the spec  
file a bit, and it seems that everything works with 0.8.1 version.   
Attached is the diff (from 0.7.4 to 0.8.1) of spec file (rather simple  

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