[CentOS] CentOS-announce mailing list

Fri Sep 15 16:11:41 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2006-09-15 at 08:54 -0700, Steven Vishoot wrote:

> Johnny,
> I have looked at my subscribtion and i do not see
> anywhere i can choose what platform i want for the
> annouce list.
> Steven

If you are talking about the Daily [CentOS-Announce] Digest that comes
to the "CentOS at centos.org" list (this one) you can not pick.  That is a
daily (on days with updates) mailing that goes to the CentOS list.  This
daily digest is coming to the general list because we made this decision
nearly 2 years ago ... we are not going to change the decision because
the basis for the decision is as valid now as it was then.  This policy
is clearly stated at the following locations:



they both say:

"Security updates are currently announced on this list once daily." 

If you are talking about the CentOS Announce list, where individual
updates are announced, go here:


then enter your subscribed e-mail address and password ...

Then pick the "topics" that you want announcements for.

Johnny Hughes
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