[CentOS] Re: Forcing ifcfg-eth0 to use the same nic in multi nic machine

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Mon Aug 13 22:56:58 UTC 2007

Doug Coats spake the following on 8/13/2007 12:22 PM:
>> Is the boards bios up to date?
> Yes
>> Do you have the proper alias entries in  /etc/modprobe.conf?
> These are the relevent listings in the modprobe.conf
> alias eth0 r8169
> alias eth1 forcedeth
I have seen this issue with other boards that use the forcedeth driver. I
think there is some bug in how it interacts with the nic chipset, but haven't
seen a current patch. There is a patch slated for 2.6.19 kernel,
(http://lwn.net/Articles/199045/) and I am sure RedHat will backport this as
soon as it is tested.


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