[CentOS] LVM on large partitions greater than 2TB

Morten Torstensen morten at mortent.org
Mon Feb 5 08:31:32 UTC 2007

> # parted /dev/sdb
> (parted) mklabel gpt
> (parted) mkpart primary 0 2.5T
> (parted) quit
> # pvcreate /dev/sdb1

You can also skip the first part and do:

# pvcreate /dev/sdb

You don't really need partitions. If you will use the entire disk for 
one single VG, then just use the entire disk :)


//Morten Torstensen
//Email: morten at mortent.org
//IM: Cartoon at jabber.no morten.torstensen at gmail.com

And if it turns out that there is a God, I don't believe that he is evil.
The worst that can be said is that he's an underachiever.

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