[CentOS] How to setup viralator

John Summerfield

debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Sat Feb 10 12:39:55 UTC 2007

Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 12:31 +0530, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> <snip>
>>Now I want to know which is better for productiuon enviroment?  
>>Squid as a Parent proxy or HAVP as Paernt proxy ?
> It's up to you to decide and both are 'supported' and documented on the
> havp website.
> Usually i use HAVP as a parent proxy for Squid because squid can use
> authentication programs (like ntlm that i use a lot in M$ networks) and
> can handle blacklist, ACLs etc ... so squid does all the job and havp is
> just used one step further just for the antivirus stuff ....
> On the other hand, every is logged in squid log file and i can genereate
> reports easily with sarg (also available in the rpmforge repo )

Sacrilege, I know, but we don't use AV software on most of our computers.

Our kids are controlled with AD so they can't write in important areas 
of the system, the right mouse button is emaciated.

They don't do email, and if they did it would likely be web-based.

So far, I've not _had_ to reinstall, though I did so during the hols 
just on the principle that it is Windows after all. Reinstalling is just 
a matter of running a program off the LAN (where everything important's 
stored) That reinstalls stuff, and a group policy or two deploys  the 
other stuff.

Teachers have Macs, not noted for problems with viruses, and I use 
Linux. There are a couple of others, one does have AV software, the 
other never ventures outside the office except to Microsoft. And there's 
a server on which I do some browsing (mostly with seamonkey), for 
Windows stuff, but never read email.



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