Fwd: [CentOS] Re: Unable to access mirrors

Fri Jun 22 01:38:43 UTC 2007
Ron Dyck <pulpfree1 at gmail.com>

> The error I get:
> http://centos.arcticnetwork.ca/5.0/os/x86_64/repodata/primary.xml.gz:
> [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out>
> Trying other mirror.
> continues until it runs out of mirrors.
> I'm able to access everything, ie: ping google.com <http://google.com>
> lynx google.com <http://google.com> is fine.
> I've tried halting iptables (I'm behind router) all to no avail.
Did you set up DNS entries during the install?
Or did you install caching nameserver and not start it?
I set-up DNS entries, no caching nameserver.



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Ron Dyck
pulpfree1 at gmail.com
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