(WAS:Re: [CentOS] apache error)

Thu Mar 29 14:10:40 UTC 2007
Mark Quitoriano <markquitoriano at gmail.com>


On 3/22/07, Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:
> > the symlink of logs modules run are all in red. I can view the folders
> and
> > files on those folders in symlink. What causing the problem? my HDD
> still
> > have space.
> Assuming a normal terminal session, that usually means that the
> symlink is broken. It's supposed to be a symlink, but not a broken
> one. You can verify this by running 'rpm -V httpd'
> It will compare what's on your disk with what the rpm database thinks
> is supposed to be on your system. It should be expected that the
> config file will have changes, but not the modules symlink. The less
> output from rpm -V, the better.

this my output of rpm -V httpd

S.5....T  c /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
S.5....T  c /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
....L...    /etc/httpd/logs

i don't know what's this results.

this problem doesn't exist on httpd itself it all exist on all symlink? what
can be the problem?

Thanks for the reply!
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