[CentOS] A question about RAID and partitions

Daniel de Kok danieldk at pobox.com
Wed May 23 17:13:00 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 11:56 -0400, Brent L. Bates wrote:
>      I've found over the years any more partitioning than that is just a waste
> of disk space.  If I had more partitions, I usually ended up with one
> partition with a lot of excess space and others with not enough.  It was just
> easier to have everything together.  On the current system we have about 600GB
> of disk space available with only 5% of it used.  I'm not worried about
> anything getting filled up any time soon.

There are good reasons for having more filesystems on a multi-user
system, e.g. for setting noexec, nodev, nosuid, or a combination thereof
for filesystems that users have write access too.

A good reason for having /home, /tmp, and /var/tmp on a separate
filesystem, is that it will not block users from creating hardlinks to
system binaries. Leaving open that gap will allow them to keep
vulnerable binaries around, even if you have upgraded their packages.

-- Daniel

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