[CentOS] Centos DVD image... for NON bittorrent users?

John R Pierce

pierce at hogranch.com
Wed May 30 18:50:22 UTC 2007

Dave wrote:
> Hi,
>    I've got the same concern, i've got bittorrent blocked and can't 
> get to it. I've been looking over the various mirrors for the dvd iso 
> for centos5 and haven't found it. If anyone has an http mirror or ftp 
> mirror with the complete dvd iso i'd appreciate knowing about it.

my employer blocks torrent, but allows ssh, so I ssh to a shell box 
outside, and run a cTorrent client there, let it run to completion, then 
scp or ftp the file from said server to work.    its an extra step, but 
not really that unreasonable.

if the shell box is someone else's and/or has network bandwidth 
constraints, do be sure to tell ctorrent to throttle up and downlink to 
something acceptable...

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