[CentOS] Nagios on CentOS 4.5

Wed Nov 14 23:33:38 UTC 2007
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On Nov 14, 2007 5:09 PM, Jason Ross <jross at medvoice.com> wrote:
>  No dice. The entire /var dir is less than 120 megs, and there are no large
> logs.

Okay, lets back up a bit here, because nagios is definitely not the
easiest of applications.
Dag/RPMForge maintain rpm packages for nagios, which eliminate 99% of
the setup headache. Those packages handle permissions, user creation,
etc. Mostly all you have to do is configure the monitoring portion of
it, and edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf to allow access as you see

There's a wiki how-to on wiki.centos.org at
http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Nagios and while it references older
versions of nagios, the instructions still hold true for the 2.x tree.

Note that the 3.x tree is still in beta, and has several issues which
may keep new users from getting it working properly.

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George Orwell