[CentOS] recompiling httpd

Mon Sep 3 15:42:56 UTC 2007
Matthias Leopold <matthias at aic.at>


i'm trying to recompile the httpd rpm on a x86_64 system. all i've 
changed in the spec file is the "--with-suexec-docroot" configure 
option. the error message i get from the "rpmbuild -ba SPECS/httpd.spec" 
command is "ln: creating symbolic link 
`/var/tmp/httpd-root/etc/httpd/logs' to `../../usr/var/log/httpd': No 
such file or directory". so what do i do now?


Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Matthias Leopold
System & Network Administration

Streams Telecommunications GmbH
Universitaetsstrasse 10/7, 1090 Vienna, Austria

tel: +43 1 40159113
fax: +43 1 40159300