[CentOS] Yum Issues with Dev groups

Joseph L. Casale

JCasale at activenetwerx.com
Fri Aug 22 02:45:08 UTC 2008

>There are two times when this becomes an issue. One is on x86_64
>systems where build deps can cross architectures, and the other is
>when using systems like openvz/virtuozzo where the glibc is often
>replaced or otherwise lobotomized.
>Which one is yours?

Ahh, all the CentOS boxes are either x64 Xen Dom0 or U...
What happens to glibc on these, especially in the Dom0 case where
I hand installed the xen rpm's and glibc wasn't touched after initial update?

I assume the x86 non virt FC9 box is a coincidence.


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