[CentOS] pop3 attack

Thu Dec 11 00:56:04 UTC 2008
Spiro Harvey <spiro at knossos.net.nz>

> It's simpler for non-experts to change the postfix configuration than
> to change the sendmail configuration. So, why shouldn't he not
> suggest it?

because it's stupid, lazy advice.

1: it's easy for non-experts to edit the sendmail configuration too...
as long as they're editing the mc file, not the cf.

2: changing software doesn't help solve the problem.

3: what if he has a bunch of milters or related programs that rely on
sendmail? are they all available for postfix? what needs to be changed
to match his current environment? have you thought about that? has
anyone asked James that before recommending he changes his software? 

Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd
021-295-1923                    www.knossos.net.nz
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