[CentOS] 2 internet connections and one for backup

Fri Dec 26 20:54:28 UTC 2008
Robert <kerplop at sbcglobal.net>

Vandaman wrote:
> Bob Taylor wrote:
>> Guys, you're on a two way street. Having said that, it
>> happens you're
>> both right and you're both wrong.
> I post on several mailing lists and have never seen any jackass
> become abusive because he does not want to follow the guidelines
> of that mailing list. Have you seen any yourself?
> Regards,
> Vandaman.
It does make one wonder why some people either don't make an effort to 
conform to guidelines -or- do make an effort to not conform.  Of all the 
annoying practices we see, though, top posting seems fairly innocuous 
-if- irrelevant content is snipped without wrecking attributions.

But then, I ask you how many bottom-posted messages do we see in which 
it's impossible to determine who said what?   To me, that's important 
because unlike airport TSA people who are forbidden to "profile",  I'm 
gonna mentally weigh answers based on who said it.

Just one man's opinion...