[CentOS] iptables

Johnny Hughes

johnny at centos.org
Thu Jan 3 12:52:39 UTC 2008

Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am running iptables on centos 4.5 and 5 boxes.
> Now , I have requirements to enable below features.
> Gateway level antivirus, anti spyware and intrusion preventions,
> content filtering, etc.

There are a hundred different ways to filter different things, depending
on exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

One way (that has nothing to do with CentOS) to do part of that is to
use IPCOP as your border router.  (It has snort IDS, and squid filtering
built in).

Spam, antivirus, and spyware normally come in via e-mail, and
spamassassin and clamav used in conjuction with your mail server (if you
run it) or in conjunction with your e-mail client on linux can fix that.

CentOS itself does contain spamassassin, but clamav needs to be obtained
from dag.

Setting all this up is the basis for many howtos on the web ... and you
need to plan out your real goals, like:

what to stop, how that gets in now, how many users / how much traffic
(and based on that ... where to filter it and how many machines it will
take), how to integrate it with your current infrastructure, etc.

There are things like this prebuilt too:



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