[CentOS] Torrent sharing question

Fri Jun 27 10:35:16 UTC 2008
Sorin@Gmail <sorin.srbu at gmail.com>

John Bowden <> scribbled on Friday, June 27, 2008 11:54 AM:

> Just a quick question. I have been sharing CenOS 5.0 and 5.1 since I down
> loaded them. Now we are on to 5.2 is it still worth sharing them or can I
> archive them to DVD and save some hard drive space?

I removed my 5.1 torrents couple of days ago, and only kept the most release 
(5.2) recent seeding 24/7 at work.

Ppl still downloaded from them like crazy (had about 250kbps on each x64 and x86 
DVD:s) on last monday for the past months or so, so you might want to seed those 
a bit longer if you can. Maybe I should keep seeding 5.1 as well for another 
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