[CentOS] Job Scheduling suggestions

Thu Sep 11 11:09:15 UTC 2008
Mag Gam <magawake at gmail.com>

Thankyou everyone. How does SGE compare? Is it easy to implement? What
about its features compared to others? How is the code quality,
stability, and documentation?


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:15 AM, Bernhard Gschaider
<bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:54:44 -0700
>>>>>> "JRP" == John R Pierce <John> wrote:
>    JRP> Mag Gam wrote:
>    >> At my university we have 50 computers in the lab. We would like
>    >> to use a scheduler to schedule our fluid models, and I was
>    >> wondering what is a good suggestion?
>    >>
>    JRP> you might look at using one of the scientific clustering
>    JRP> packages, like Oscar, which implements and manages an MPI
>    JRP> cluster.  this of course assumes your fluid model software is
>    JRP> written to use MPI
> If you're going for cluster software you might consider
> http://www.rocksclusters.org/
> It's even based on CentOS.
> Here at our place we have a dedicated cluster with Rocks. In addition
> I took the SGE-rpm from the distribution and installed it on our
> regular (CentOS) workstations so that jobs can be scheduled on these
> machines too
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