[CentOS] Re: Install X from DVD

Fri Sep 19 13:39:17 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Jerry Geis wrote:
>> If you haven't done *any* upgrade on that machine yet, use the
>> CentOS-Media repo (the .repo file is where all other .repo files are).
>> Disable all other repos, enable that and do a "yum grouplist". You'll
   ^^^^^^^                  ^^^^^^
>> see what group you have to install.
> Ok part of my problem was I was mounting the DVD under /mnt/cdrom  
> instead of /media/cdrom.
> yum repolist gives
> yum repolist
> Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
> repo id              repo name                                 status
> addons               CentOS-5 - Addons                         enabled
> base                 CentOS-5 - Base                           enabled
> extras               CentOS-5 - Extras                         enabled
> updates              CentOS-5 - Updates                        enabled
> however when I do the "yum grouplist"
> its still trying to do the network yum not MEDIA repo and I get errors.
> I am still missing something.o

I underlined it for you.

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