[CentOS] Shell script to list group members

Tue Sep 23 23:11:42 UTC 2008
Tim Alberts <talberts at msiscales.com>

Barry Brimer wrote:
> With spaces separating groups:
> egrep -e '^groupname:' /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $4 }' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'
> With commas separating groups:
> egrep -e '^groupname:' /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $4 }'

I'm sorry, I didn't specify, I'm using LDAP for user/group management.  
Ideally a command like 'groups' would be nice, except it would be the 
inverse, it would print the users in a group, not the groups a user 
belongs to.

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