[CentOS] Re: SIze of reformatted USB drive

Thu Sep 25 23:40:31 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 9-25-2008 4:31 PM Robert Moskowitz spake the following:
> I just reformatted an 8Gb USB drive as ext3.
> While as FAT32, it was reported as having well over 7Gb free (did not 
> note the exact capacity).
> I reformatted with mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
> Now it is reported (oh, this is with properties in Nautilus) as having 
> 6.8Gb capacity (free space actually).
> Does this makes sense that ext3 has less available space than fat32?
Ext3 reserves some space for root by default. I think it is like 5 or 10 %. 
That might be it.

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