[CentOS] Certificate system

J.Witvliet at MINDEF.NL J.Witvliet at MINDEF.NL
Fri Apr 24 16:18:16 UTC 2009


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From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On
Behalf Of Barry Brimer
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 5:44 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Certificate system

Quoting J.Witvliet at MINDEF.NL:

> Hi all,
> Can anybody inform me wether the  "RedHat Certificate System" or 
> actually a CentOS equivalent is available for CentOS.
> Just skimmed on a download site through the RPM's for 5.3 and I 
> couldn't find it.
> According to their pressrelease, it the code should be gpl, allthough 
> I can't find any rpm for RH, FC or Centos.
> It seems that this is one of the few CA-packages for large scale 
> deployment of certificates.
> Only alternative AFAIK is OpenCA, which seems to be hardly
> ( binaries on their site are old, and source code yields lots of 
> errors during build..)

The Fedora version of RHCS is called Dogtag
You might have to modify/rebuild their SRPMS.

Yes, i came across dogtag.
However i got the impression it was something in the same category like
tinyca or pyca.
Perhaps it is based on the code of RHCS, and all documentation is just
some wiki pages.
Bit different from the docu from RHCS-7.3 (Their admin guide is over 600

I was asked to make a proposal for an (large) opensource CA/RA/ocsp/....

If selected, i make them order an official package with support from RH.
But i would like to have some hands-on experience before, and not get
all my information from paper.
OpenCA has also quite some nice docu (but doesn't live up to it), and
used to be included in some distro's. 

So, ejbca seems to be more appropiate than dogtag (if i can't get RHCS)


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