[CentOS] Can't install domUs in 5.3 dom0

Tomasz Nowak

tnowak-p at netventure.pl
Sat Apr 4 15:05:40 UTC 2009

my previous install.cfg looked like this:

kernel     = "/boot/vmlinuz-install"
ramdisk    = "/boot/initrd-install.img"
extra      = "ks=http://xx.yy.zz.xx/ks/domu.ks"
name       = "domu"
vcpus      = "4"
memory     = "2048"
disk       = [ 'phy:vg0/d1da,xvda,w',
               'phy:vg0/d1dc,xvdc,w', ]
vif        = [ 'mac=00:15:17:77:4E:E0, bridge=xenbr0' ]
on_reboot  = 'destroy'
on_crash   = 'destroy'

But even if i configure network interface manually,
there is no http request on host xx.yy.zz.xx.
So I've downloaded domu.ks manually (no problems with
that) and changed kernel parameters to:

extra      = "ks=/etc/xen/domu.ks"

and no differnce

  +-------------+ Error downloading kickstart file +-------------+
  |                                                              |
  | Unable to download the kickstart file.  Please modify the    |
  | kickstart parameter below or press Cancel to proceed as an   |
  | interactive installation.                                    |
  |                                                              |
  | /etc/xen/domu.ks____________________________________________ |
  |                                                              |
  |            +----+                      +--------+            |
  |            | OK |                      | Cancel |            |
  |            +----+                      +--------+            |
  |                                                              |
  |                                                              |

just like the same with ks=http://xx.yy.zz.xx/ks/domu.ks

# ls -l /etc/xen/domu.ks
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32680 Apr  4 02:54 /etc/xen/domu.ks

Any ideas?


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