[CentOS] 486 custom kernel

John R Pierce

pierce at hogranch.com
Tue Dec 8 19:51:47 UTC 2009

Jerry Geis wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to take the 686 CentOS 5, install that in virtual machine,
> install a custom kernel that is the 486 flavor, take that image and
> put it on a 8G CF card  - insert that into a small form factor 486 class
> machine and have that work?
> I am hoping the extra instructions in a 686 (MMX, SEE etc) are not used 
> by any libraries
> that I would be using (just standard stuff) and the new 486 compiled 
> kernel would not be
> using those instructions either.
> Can this possible work? I am hoping to not use debian i386 basically.

first, you'd need to reconfigure that linux running in a VM to run in 
whatever hardware your embedded platform provides (network, disk, etc). 

second, you'd not only need a new kernel, but also any usermode packages 
that are -i686 or -i586 would need recompiling.  there's more than you 
might think.

check out http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
that will run on nearly -anything- with very minimal resources.  the 
standard version fits on a 50MB live mini-CD (those credit card shaped 

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