[CentOS] Monitor Network Traffic

Mon Dec 21 16:27:36 UTC 2009
Jake <jakepaulus at gmail.com>

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Thomas Harold <thomas-lists at nybeta.com>wrote:

> In the past I've used Nagios & NTop.  Unfortunately, NTop was a bit of a
> CPU hog and I had stability issues with it that I never tracked down.
> So at the moment, we're mostly relying on MRTG to see traffic.

We had the same problems with Ntop (we monitor netflows, not local
interfaces). There was a thread about a good netflow tool a week or two ago
where someone suggested NfSen + nfdump. I set it up Thursday (took 30 mins
or so) and it totally rocks. We've gone to production with it to monitor
flows from around 50 devices. I highly recommend you take a look if you have
serious needs to see what's really on the wire.

Jake Paulus
JakePaulus at gmail.com
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