[CentOS] any softwares can capture port traffic in graph

Les Mikesell

lesmikesell at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 16:38:27 UTC 2009

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:03 PM, adrian kok <adriankok2000 at yahoo.com.hk> wrote:
>> Any softwares can capture traffic in graph?
>> eg: port 80
> MRTG, Cacti, Zabbix, Zenoss, Webalizer, Awstats, etc.

The snmp based tools won't separate usage by port.  Port 80 is a special 
case since you may be able to parse usage from web logs and even get 
virtual host details.  For generic usage-by-port you need something like 
ntop that acts as a sniffer and can summarize in various ways.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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