[CentOS] clamAV problem

Fri Feb 6 07:50:58 UTC 2009
Anne Wilson <cannewilson at googlemail.com>

Since my power problems that resulted in a re-install I have a problem which 
I've failed to locate up to now.  The logs show

 daily.cld updated (version: 8950, sigs: 72593, f-level: 38, builder: ccordes)
    Database updated (510565 signatures) from db.gb.clamav.net (IP:
    WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through 

I've been through the config files, but obviously there is something in the 
setup that I've failed to do.  Scans are running every night, but 

service clamd status
clamd: unrecognized service

It has to be something stupid that I've missed.  Can someone kick me in the 
right direction?  Thanks

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