[CentOS] Getting ready for CentOS 5.4

Tue Mar 31 21:39:54 UTC 2009
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Florin Andrei wrote:
> Jimmy Bradley wrote:
>>        This is just my 2 cents worth. The reason I run Cent OS is
>> because it just seems to be rock solid stable. That's something I
>> haven't seen in any of the other distros, or MS Windows.
>>        My computers are my lifeline to my jobs. I get my assignments by
>> way of my computer, and I report my completed assignments on my
>> computer. It's bad enough to have to deal with hardware failures from
>> time to time, so the last thing I want to deal with on top of that is  a
>> finicky OS or software. 
>>        I run Cent OS on both of my laptops, and all three of my
>> desktops, and I can power any one of those machines up, and so far Cent
>> OS has never failed me. Cent OS just works. That's what matters to me.
>>        Just my 2 cents
> That's very much the mindset of many CentOS users.

Yes, there are not too many surprises with CentOS.  However, debian has 
also had a very good reputation for stability - and Ubuntu builds on 
that while also providing timely releases.

    Les Mikesell
      lesmikesell at gmail.com