[CentOS] mirrorlist for 5.4

Simon Wesp

cassmodiah at fedoraproject.org
Sun Nov 8 20:39:49 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag, den 08.11.2009, 18:20 +0000 schrieb Markus Falb: 
> I know that release=5 is working, but this is not what i want.
really? think about again, please!

> In my Experience it is not always possible to upgrade all machines to the 
> newest and shiniest OS out there. 
This is not a distro like Whatever-Badbuntu. There *can* be problems,
but I never had a problem with updating x.n to x.n+1 or x.n+2.. 

> I have to maintain machines with 5.3 and machines with 5.4 and ...
shouldn't be a problem.

> My argument is that i do not want have Updates offered that are not 
> appropriate.
This isn't an argument, this is ignorance. 90% of all updates are fixes
of bugs and security-issues.

> Liebe Grüße aus dem verregnetem Wien ;-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus dem schönen regenfreien, aber verdammt kalten Hainzell
Simon Wesp

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