[CentOS] install CENTOS 5.4 X86_64 failed???


redshift at pandora.be
Wed Nov 25 08:08:49 UTC 2009

Tait Clarridge wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 14:47 -0700, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
>>> I just download CENTOS 5.4 DVD ISO X86_64 version from internet.  I tried
>>> to install it on DELL server and get following error message before RPM
>>> start install:
>>>    parted_1.8.1-23.els.x86_64.rpm can NOT open
>>> anyone know why?
>>> Should I download it again from any good site?
>>> If I install CENTOS 5.3 and use yum update, will it go to CENTOS 5.4?
>>> Thanks.
>> Did you check that the DVD was good with mediacheck? md5sum'ed the ISO? No
>> need to download again if the ISO is OK.
>> dennisk
> Also, burn at the slowest speed to ensure that there are no errors. I
> have had this problem and solved it by burning at a slow speed, although
> it will take a lot longer to burn the DVD.

Burning at a slower speed usually does NOT increase burn quality. You may have a bad writer or bad DVD R's. Use DVD-R's for maximum compatibility.


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