[CentOS] [Found] CentOS is dead, long live CentOS


centos at linuxpowered.net
Mon Sep 14 22:14:13 UTC 2009

William Warren wrote:

> Why do we want to know?  Because of one person's disappearance the
> project nearly went boom.  Because by your own admission(the devs) the
> funds were NOT going to further the project.  If you can't get a thicker
> skin maybe you need a vacation.

Perhaps it's reversed? There's an old saying, you get what you
pay for. If CentOS dropped off the map tomorrow it really wouldn't
impact myself all that much despite having roughly 350 systems
running it. I'd just slowly migrate to something else.

If your not prepared to face that possibility perhaps your better
off with a commercially backed distribution(or commercial UNIX),
while the chances of that happening are certainly not zero they
are often quite a bit smaller than a small community driven org.

(CentOS user for ~4 years, Debian user for ~11)

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