[CentOS] yum priorities and rpmforge...

Tue Sep 1 14:07:42 UTC 2009
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

John Doe wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the yum priorities plugin and, for some reason, it is blocking all rpmforge
> updates, even for already installed rpmforge packages...
> I have priority=1 for CentOS repos.
> Is it the 'normal' behavior or is something wrong in my conf?

If CentOS repos are 1 and rpmforge is 2 (or higher), then yes it will
PROTECT the CentOS repo from updated from rpmforge.  This is the
behavior regardless of if where the installed packages are from.  If
rsync is in both CentOS and RPMForge ... you will always get rsync from
CentOS with yum (even if you manually installed the rsync from RPMForge
... yum will still use the one from the CentOS repos)

If you want to get a file from RPMForge and not a REPO that has a
priority number that is lower (ie 1 vs 2 in this case), then in the
higher priority repo, you need to add an "exclude=" line in the
CentOS-Base.repo file for that repo (in this case, in the base and
updates sections).  You would put this:


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