[CentOS] Thermal information

Mon Sep 21 09:58:47 UTC 2009
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

Agile Aspect wrote:
>> As it's a CentOS kernel, then the elrepo.org coretemp module will work
>> just fine and will give you nice accurate thermal data for the cpu.
>> http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-coretemp
> Does anyone know where I can find the kernel source for coretemp
> which does *not* depend on Xen and a PAE kernel, i.e,. other than the
> source RPMs from elerepo.org?  I'm running a 2.6.18-128.1.10 kernel
> on a netbook (Intel Atom N270.)

Not sure I understand your question. The SRPM from ELRepo.org does not 
depend on xen or PAE kernels, but it does require xen and PAE 
kernel-devel packages installed *if* you build it for those variants. 
Equally you can just build it against a base kernel (non-xen/PAE) with 
the command line option  --define 'kvariants ""'.

Alternatively, if you don't like the elrepo SRPM feel free to grab the 
source code directly from the latest upstream kernel (http://kernel.org) 
and backport the code for yourself.

Does coretemp support Intel Atom processors?