[CentOS] NFS automount failure

Trevor Cooper

tcooper at ucsd.edu
Tue Apr 27 20:51:17 UTC 2010

I'm having a problem with automount (autofs) from a server running 
CentOS 5.4 to clients (example is CentOS 5.4). Client pulls automount 
maps from NIS. THIS particular server is also used for login so it is 
NIS bound as well (other servers are NOT).

   NIS Server Side...  (content shortened)

$ ypcat -k auto.master | sort | grep auto.mdkm1
/storage/mdkm1 auto.mdkm1 --timeout=600

$ ypcat -k auto.mdkm1 | sort
10 137.110.179:254:/mdkm1/10

   NFS Server Side...  (content shortened)

$ cat /etc/exports
/mdkm1/1  ###.###.172.0/25(rw,sync) ###.###.179.192/26(rw,async)
/mdkm1/10  ###.###.172.0/25(rw,sync) ###.###.179.192/26(rw,async)

$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/MDKM1/MDKM1-1    /mdkm1/1      ext3    defaults        1 2
/dev/MDKM1/MDKM1-10   /mdkm1/10     ext3    defaults        1 2

# mount
/dev/mapper/MDKM1-MDKM1--1 on /mdkm1/1 type ext3 (rw)
/dev/mapper/MDKM1-MDKM1--10 on /mdkm1/10 type ext3 (rw)

   NIS/NFS Client Side...

$ cat /etc/auto.master | egrep -v "^#"
/misc   /etc/auto.misc
/net    -hosts

# service autofs status
automount (pid 3714) is running...

$ ls /storage/mdkm1/1
kmdev  lost+found

$ ls /storage/mdkm1/10                 <--- wait here forever
                                             [CTRL-C] to abort
ls: /storage/mdkm1/10: Interrupted system call

*NOTE: Above command never completes and will hang the shell from 
multiple clients.

# mkdir -p /mnt/mdkm1/10
# mount -t nfs ###.###.179.254:/mdkm1/10 /mnt/mdkm1/10

$ ls /mnt/mdkm1/10
kmdev  lost+found

# umount /mnt/mdkm1/10

NOTE: During mount/umount the NFS server logs show the requests for the 
automount of mdkm1/1 AND the manual mount of mdkm1/10. The server log 
never shows an attempt to mount mdkm1/10 in the 'stalled' automount 
attempt. For example...

Apr 27 13:14:50 rilkm01 mountd[8002]: authenticated mount request from 
###.###.172.70:730 for /mdkm1/1 (/mdkm1/1)

Apr 27 13:15:24 rilkm01 mountd[8002]: authenticated unmount request from 
###.###.172.70:771 for /mdkm1/1 (/mdkm1/1)

Apr 27 13:16:17 rilkm01 mountd[8002]: authenticated mount request from 
###.###.172.70:785 for /mdkm1/10 (/mdkm1/10)

Apr 27 13:16:31 rilkm01 mountd[8002]: authenticated unmount request from 
###.###.172.70:794 for /mdkm1/10 (/mdkm1/10)

I've restarted the Server NFS services, Client autofs services AND the 
systems as a whole multiple times to no avail.

Any ideas?

Trevor Cooper

Trevor Cooper, M.Sc.
Data Systems Programmer / System Administrator
University of California, San Diego
Multimodal Imaging Laboratory
8950 Villa La Jolla Dr., Suite C101
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (858) 534-8259
Fax:   (858) 534-1078

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